General characteristics
Fully automatic Machine, suitable to process presterile closed ampoules to beopened by flame.
Working principleis based on intermittent rotary advancing of a gearedcrown. During stop pausethe following operations
are done on six ampoules simultaneouslyfeeding . first opening. hole finishing,
checking of corret piercingof ampoules, filling, counting and ejecting of sealed ampoules.
At the critical pointsof the machine there are safety contacts for immediate cut-out rncase:
- oneor more ampoules are not opened.
- one or more ampoules are broken when filling.
- pressureor flow of inertgas (when used)falls below a prefixedminimum value.
Machineis suitableto processampoules complying with DIN 58377 form B, C and D,aswell as ampoulesto be
liophilized and to be sealed after liophilisation.
To obtain a really high versatility and simplicity of
use,the machine has been conceivedwith special devices to allow very simple operating procedures
with a single operator:
- All adjustments are on the outsideof the main body, easily accessiblewithout any disassembling.
- A change in the size of the ampoules can be made without the use of any tool; the ampoule cups can be
released and replaced by the operator's hand.
- Graduationsfor the correct positioningof all the sectionsare based on the height of the welded ampoules.
lt is then very easy for the operator to makethe necessary adjustments,dependingon
qizalha emnnr rlo'c.