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RC 14/L

the standard feedingchute can be replacedwith another of special dimensionsto meet with special requirement of the users.

ampoules to be opened are put in rotation for a better action of opening nozzies. Two flamingstations operate indipendently, the first for piercingof ampoules' tip, the second for hole finishing. Both opening stations are equipped with a stems' centering device, in order to prevent eccentric rotation of ampoules during glassmelting,even inthe case of poor quality of ampoules shape. lt is possibleto fit at feeding station a preheatingdevi-ce, the purposeof which is to increase ampoules insidepressurewhile waiting to be processed. Each opening station is equipped with a hood,to extract heat and convey outside from processing area.

if the solution requires elimination of oxygen from inside the ampoules, double-walled needlesare used for filling. The inert gasflowing in the chamber between the two needles makes a kindof flush on the ampoule before the liquid gets into the ampoule(actingas pre-gasing),and flows continuously during filling until the final exit of the needles.A pressures witch cuts out the machine if the inert gas pressure falls below a pre-fixed minimum. Thesuck-back system is adjustable, so that when filling larger volumes with high viscous products,it ispossibleto keep high accuracy of dosification. Washingof the pistons:the dosing pistonscan be washedat every dosing stroke to allow trouble free operationeven wtth satured solutions, solutionsof organic base or, generallyspeaking, with solutions which don't otherwise allow a smooth filling cycle.

the dosing pistonscan be washedat every dosing stroke to allow trouble free operationeven with satured solutions, solutionsof organic base or, generally speaking, with solutions which don't other wise allow a smooth filling cycle.

pull-seal welding system,operating with a gas and oxygen flame. The regulation of gas and oxygen is separate but single for the six flames.

made with a slow-down device to avoid any shock before the complete cooling. The welded ampoules, after cooling, may be collectedat randomor marshalled into metal trays. Dimensionsof this system may be expecially tailored,as for the feeder, to meet with specificuser's requirement.The machine is protectedall around it sperimeterby means of a cabin equipped with doors(seepicturen. 2) in the aim to have an effective protection but at the same time an easy access.Anyof the doors may be accidentallyopen when running, the machine will stop immediately. Only a peculiaroperationcan activate a specific runningmodefor maintenance purpose,where the machinecan operate with safety doors open.

net weight of the machine: kg. 800 approx, weight of the machine packedfor shipping: 9.1.150 approx,cacking dimensions: mt. 2"00 x 2.00 x 2.10 h. 10prox.

General characteristics

Fully automatic Machine, suitable to process presterile closed ampoules to beopened by flame. Working principleis based on intermittent rotary advancing of a gearedcrown. During stop pausethe following operations are done on six ampoules simultaneouslyfeeding . first opening. hole finishing, checking of corret piercingof ampoules, filling, counting and ejecting of sealed ampoules. At the critical pointsof the machine there are safety contacts for immediate cut-out rncase:

- oneor more ampoules are not opened.
- one or more ampoules are broken when filling.
- pressureor flow of inertgas (when used)falls below a prefixedminimum value.

Machineis suitableto processampoules complying with DIN 58377 form B, C and D,aswell as ampoulesto be liophilized and to be sealed after liophilisation.
To obtain a really high versatility and simplicity of use,the machine has been conceivedwith special devices to allow very simple operating procedures with a single operator:
- All adjustments are on the outsideof the main body, easily accessiblewithout any disassembling.
- A change in the size of the ampoules can be made without the use of any tool; the ampoule cups can be released and replaced by the operator's hand.
- Graduationsfor the correct positioningof all the sectionsare based on the height of the welded ampoules. lt is then very easy for the operator to makethe necessary adjustments,dependingon qizalha emnnr rlo'c.
Marzocchi Infialatrici srl
Via U. La Malfa, 3 - Italy 20066 Melzo (MI) - Telefono: +39 - 029550855 Fax: +39 - 0295731954
P.IVA e C.F.: 05666390967 - REA MI-183965 - Reg. Imp. MI-05666390967 - Cap. Soc. € 10.500,00
E-mail: marzocchinfialatrici@libero.it

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